We all walk through this life with unexpected results of what we wanted in our career, our health, and parenting. This is why I created this page. I used to always say, "When I have a kid, they won't act that way". Well, of course I was humbled. Being a mother is both a treasure and an obstacle.

We are faced with many questions and wondering why we cannot get right. I honestly don't think we will ever get it right, but we can give it our best. Community is important. We can learn from each other when we fall, get back up after failures knowing someone else has overcome, and lean on each other for a listening ear. That is my dream for this platform. 

Many topics will be posted on this page and comments will be open for those who are in need of advice and a listening ear. This also gives us the opportunity to provide insight and help to those in need of virtual companionship. Let us build a community.